Ramen Miso Soup

The most wanted by my friends 😋

Portion: 4 people


  •  chicken wings, fat part of chicken
  •  1200 ml of water
  •  bay leaves
  •  2,5 spoon of reduced salt soya sauce
  •  1 jar soya bean paste (miso)
  •  4 chicken breast ( if you want version with meat)
  •  2 pak choi
  •  4 nests vermicelli noodles 
  •  handful beans sprout
  •  shitake mushrooms
  •  spring onions 
  •  1 medium heat chilli
  •  4 eggs 
  •  grinded black pepper 


  1.  Boil water with chicken parts, bay leaves and black pepper like for chicken soup but add to it soya sauce. When it's ready take out chicken parts. (Better to prepare that stock earlier.) 
  2.  Chop chicken breast to nice cubes and fry on bit of olive oil without spices, that meat will come crunchy, put chicken breast on side. 
  3.  Add soya beans paste to chicken stock and simmer slowly.
  4.  Chop chilli to small rings and add half to soup. 
  5. Chop spring onions and put on side.
  6.  Cut mushrooms on four and add to soup.
  7.  Cut pak choi and add in the end of cooking.
  8.  Prepare vermicelli noodles like on package.
  9.  Boil egg for 4-5 minutes, need be soft.
  10.  Put noodles to bowl, chicken on side and bit of beans sprout.
  11.  Pour slowly soup to bowl, put egg and spring onions.
If you like chilli add more :D
